Gian Luca Mazzella

Gian Luca Mazzella (born in Rome) is an Italian journalist, wine critic and documentarian.

Focussing on wine and food, Mazzella works for various entities within the European Television industry by writing and directing documentaries/stories.

He also works for European newspapers.[1] and magazines[2] as wine editor, columnist or feature writer, sometimes under pseudonym.

He presides over historical wine events.[3][4][5]


While dedicating years to Theology, Philosophy and Italian language, Mazzella visited the most important wine regions and producers.

To learn the wide spectrum of wine tasting, he completed the sommelier certification of AIS (Associazione Italiana Sommelier[6]).

Then he consulted famous restaurants, and taught wine tasting.

Afterwards began to write feature stories for the renowned editorial group Gambero Rosso[7] in Italy.

And he began to work in Television industry: RAI, Sky[8] and ORF.


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